Download icons - visual warning
This feature is more of a visual warning that file(s) need to be downloaded or are pending download.
Click on the P2/Conversations tab in the left navigation toolbar (it may still say Conversations “beta”)
Under the Conversations tab, you will see a list of all conversations.
MY VIEW (this is the user’s view only however, if you are part of a Queue, all users inside the queue will be able to see the incoming documents - which will mostly be from the remote users)
you have 3 notifications (bell icon)
3 files to download (cloud down arrow)
When you click on the conversations tab to open you will also see the full conversation.
You will see the PULL feature box has 3 files that are pending where you can access them by clicking on the 3 dots either inside the feature box OR under the Medias at the right.
Once you download one or more of the files then the icons will change reflecting the amount of downloads still needing to be downloaded. Notice the feature box now shows a blue (1) cloud icon which shows that this file has been downloaded 1 time AND the conversation tab to the left shows 2 remaining downloads vs the original 3.
You can also click on the blue (1) cloud icon to view WHO dowloaded the document. This will tell you WHO downloaded it, how many times and what Team that user is from.
ORG VIEW - For all ORG owners and Admins they will have the same view and same functions to download etc.
If an ORG owner/admin downloads a document it will show same details
along with WHO downloaded, how many times and from what team.
When ALL documents have been downloaded and no longer “pending”, the icons will disappear from the left toolbar showing that all files have been downloaded by a user or multiple users.
where you can still view the feature box but nothing is “pending”
ORG VIEW shows all conversations that still have documents that are pending download