Enable Request Methods – Allow recipient to enter Email only or Mobile only (default both) On Users Personal URL Page

This is a CUSTOM feature that is available today via our Enterprise Package. Contact sales@botdoc.io to have this feature enabled on your Corp Team account and to discuss pricing.

On MY Teams page you will scroll down to view “Edit Your Team Configuration”. This is where the Owners only can change global account features for all users or allow each user to choose for themselves.

The items that are checked are enabled (default) on all Team accounts. Owners can check or uncheck at anytime to disable or enable.

Enable Request Methods – Allow recipient to enter Email only or Mobile only (default both) On Users Personal URL Page - Owners can enable for all users the option to ONLY receive email requests from recipients or only receive mobile requests from recipients on the users personal URL link (email signature block link)

Default is set to both:

Once enabled by Owner, the USERS can go into their Profile page to change request methods. Click on personal URL custom message and then select from the dropdown Request methods.

If User wants the recipient to only send in email requests then User is to select “allow Email only” then SAVE

If User wants the recipient to only send in mobile requests then User is to select “allow Mobile only” then SAVE