Custom Fields on Dashboard

This is an Enterprise + feature, contact for more details. Create Custom Fields on the Dashboard for Internal use use only on Pull or Push requests.

These are INTERNAL ONLY fields that recipients will never see on their request pages. Owners of the Team can set these fields as required or not required for users. Owners can set Globally for all users.

Owners/Admins can pull Custom Reports via the Teams Page “Teams Administrative Actions”

Sample View:

Request Details Pave View:

Custom Report View:

How Owners can set these fields as custom global fields for all users go to the Teams page and scroll down to Create Custom Push/Pull Fields. Click Add New

Once you click Add New you will see the required fields to set this feature for all users. Enter

  • Field Name = Name of the field that will show on the Dashboard

  • Field Description = Add a field description where the user can click on the ? for more details

  • Field Type = Owners can set the fields as Text, Number, Textarea Box, or Text with hidden characters for a password or email address (see field type samples below)

  • Is Field Required = If this box is checked, then each user of the team will not be able to send a request until this field is entered with information from the user. If unchecked then a user can send requests without entering any information into this field.

  • Request Type = Add a custom field to either the Pull or Push side of the dashboard.

  • Field Can be Updated? = When viewing the field inside a Pull or Push request, having this enabled (checked) will allow the field’s information to be edited/updated if needed.

  • Enable field on P2/Conversations = Having this enabled will allow the fields you create to be shown in individual Conversations in the P2/Conversations portion of the product.

Field Type SAMPLES = Owners can set the fields as Text, Number, Textarea Box, or Text with hidden characters for a password or email address. Fields can be set on Push or Pull.


Dashboard View:

Details Page View:


Dashboard View - ONLY numbers can be used in this field

Details Page View:

TEXTAREA BOX It is used for entering basic values, such as a name, number, or short phrase. A text area is a larger box that allows you to enter multiple lines of text. ... In HTML, a text field is defined by an <input> tag with the type "text." A text area is defined by a <textarea> tag

Dashboard View:

Details Page:


Dashboard View:

Details Page view:

EMAIL ADDRESS - Add another email that may be associated with this customer/account

Dashboard View:

Details Page View:

To Disable, Edit, or Remove a custom field go to Create Custom Push/Pull Fields on your Teams Page and select the appropriate function.

Note: Owners can only Remove if a user has not placed value into this field, otherwise you will need to disable it.