How to change background color behind Logo and request pages

Click on the My Teams Tab on the Left Navigation toolbar.

Scroll down to “Edit Your Team Information”. Click on the Push/Pull Page Header Color box where you can change the background to any color by choosing a color from the color wheel or by entering the RGB value of the closest match and click on Choose and then click on Save Team Information.

OWNERS are the only team users that have privileges to Edit Your Team Information.

You will see a success message at the top of your Dashboard and you will notice that the Logo in the left top corner now has a background color.

This background color along with your company's logo will show on the following pages:

  • password reset/forgot password Email

  • pull email notification

  • push email notification

  • TFA Push link

  • you just got an email notification

  • SMTP worked

  • Invite Team Email

  • Admin Change User Email/Password Confirmation

  • Push Link

  • pull link

  • Admin Mass Invite Emails

  • Personal URL Page

  • Login Two-Step Auth

  • Failed SMTP notification email

  • Change Email Confirmation Page (Dashboard)