Here are the details to the Plans that we offer:
* Owners can set features Globally
enable/disable Push/Pull on Dashboard- If your company does not PUSH requests out you can have the PUSH side of your dashboard disabled.
Change user passwords/access user account
Botdoc Branding - * enable/disable "create free account now"
enable/disable users "change email" * tab in users profile
enable/disable users use of team photo * on Completed request
enable/disable team profile * (Virtual business card) on completed request
enable/disable blocking domain so no employee can create free account
enable password expire * for all users - force users to change passwords
SMTP - * email sending options
Change Background color * on request pages
Disclaimer Box - * shows on email and email/SMS landing pages
Customize Personal URL message – Change the email/SMS (Pull) default request message to your recipient (Hello, this is the file request you just created at Company Name Botdoc page)
Disable 2 Step Auth * on Push requests (uncheck)
Disable recipient to send message only with no file upload (contact
Teams: off by default, which means, the end user can NOT finish the request just typing a message
Basic: end user CAN finish the request just typing a message (No longer offering this subscription)
FREE: end user CAN finish the request just typing a message
ENTERPRISE (additional $500/mo)
Custom email template
Auto-Forward - Pull Requests can be seen by Admins
Auto-Forward - Push requests can be seen by Admins
Request Message Box/Push&Pull - * pre-canned message
Change User’s Profile – change any users profile within your team
Enable/disable request method on Personal URL page – Allow the user to accept Email only or SMS only requests from customers
Enable Pull URL auto-reply – * create a custom auto-reply email to a recipient through a users personal URL page (welcome email, thank you email, or even 2nd step in PPP process email) - VIDEO available
ENTERPRISE + (additional $750/mo)
Unique URL & Blocking IP login of team users by IP Range
Custom CSS & Custom Script for tracking
Dashboard Custom Fields – * Create custom fields for internal use only
Team User Custom Fields/URL – * Create custom fields for all users. Custom Fields can be found on Users Personal Profile page which can be tied to each users URL page (includes clickable links and clickable icon links like social media)