*This feature removes the need for Teams to have multiple users logging into one account with the same password. This is an Enterprise feature, contact sales@botdoc.io for more details.
The Queue feature is where Teams: Create a Queue (Loan Department OR Used Car Sales) or multiple Queues (Loan Department; Pre-Approvals; Applications), ) (Dealerships; Used Car Sales or New Car Sales) Owner/Admin can add/invite any or all users on the Team to a Queue or multiple Queues to access Requests, Users can send Requests via the Queue and Users can assign themselves Requests inside the Queue or assign Requests to others in the Queue.
*All Queues must be set up inside the P1 portion of the product even if your subscription includes the P2/Conversations (dealerships)
Features include:
An Enterprise Level Functionality
Each Queue created will be a license (count as a user) however a Queue cant log in
Only Owners and/or Admins of the team can create and invite users to the Queue
Depending on how many licenses you have for your team, there is no limit to how many users you can invite to a Queue
Queue Contacts - When sending a request via the Queue, the recipients email or SMS information will be automatically stored in Contacts of all users within the Queue regardless of who entered the recipients information.
A Team public URL link (just like the personal URL link in email signature blocks) with its own personal page tab to make changes
Users can send a Pull via the Queue or send a Push via the Queue vs your own user name
Notify selected users or all users of incoming requests (see below)
Assign a Pull to yourself or assign to a another user in the Queue
Queue Pull timeline details - “Tori Mills assigned this request to Melinda Price” (assigned to a user) or “Tori Mills assigned this request to Tori Mills” (assigned to myself) or email@yahoo.com initiated a Pull from the PRE Loan Apps Queue Public URL
Assign a Push to yourself or assign to another user in the Queue
Queue Push timeline details - “Tori Mills assigned this send to Melinda Price” (assigned to a user) or “Tori Mills assigned this send to Tori Mills” (assigned to myself)
When a user is assigned a request from the Queue, that user will receive a Queue email notification. NEW - This email notification will have visibility into some of the request details (scroll down to view)
All movement to the Queue Push or the Queue Pull are saved on the Queue Audit Logs
Owners and Admins (along with ORG Owners) can create, view, invite users, remove or disable all Queues under their Team account.
Once this is enabled by a Botdoc representative (Enterprise level) or you are a dealership and queues come with your subscription already enabled, you can find your Team Queue tab on your Teams detail page. On the left navigation tool bar on the main dashboard click on My Team.
Note: Username is tied to the Queues Team public URL handle aka personal URL. URL’s are used in either an Email Signature block so recipients can send documents without needing to initiate a PULL request or you can place the URL on your companies website for recipient access.
Add myself checkbox is automatically defaulted with a checkmark which is designed so that anyone creating the queue will need to be part of the queue so therefore it will automatically add you as a user to the queue.
Owners and Admins (along with ORG owners/admins) have the ability to: View, Edit, Disable and Change the personal profile of this Queue member.
Click on VIEW to manage the users inside your team Queue. Owners and Admins can add users to any Queue by clicking on the “Add User” and entering the users email address. Or Owners/Admins can remove a user by clicking on the red “X”.
NEW - If a user is in Pending invite status, you can now Pre-select Queue so that once the user creates their account, they will automatically be assigned to the queue you assign them to. This will allow your invited members to already have necessary permissions and Queue access as soon as their account is created.
*This will alleviate the need to come back in and add permissions and queues AFTER their account is created.
Click on “Pre-select Queues” which will take you to a list of your teams queues, select the drop down and choose the queue or multiple queues.
Note: If your Team has multiple Queues, any one user can be added to each Queue. Therefore, if Jane is a user she can be added to multiple Queues, there are no limits on how many Queues one user can have access to. Users will see MY Queues on the left navigation toolbar as to what Queues they are part of.
Owners and Admins of the Team can select any user or all users in a Queue to receive an email notification when incoming completed requests arrive or Push requests are sent. This feature is defaulted as disabled until the Owner/Admin checks the box.
Once this notification box is checked, those users will receive an email notification of .
all incoming requests to this Queue where the user can then assign to themselves or to another user.
NEW Some request details will be visible inside this email notification along with “subject line” details.
Click on EDIT and you will be able to edit the Name of the Queue and the Username then click SAVE