P2 - Add recipient to live session
You now have the ability to ADD a recipient to a live session and also Reactivate a recipient that was removed.
Use Case: You are speaking to Customer A and realized you also need Customer A’s spouses drivers license so you can now add Customer B to the session by clicking on the ADD NEW RECIPIENT button
Enter the information for the new recipient: Name then email and/or mobile number then click CREATE AND SEND NOTIFICATION
Now that recipient can see and view all conversations within the session.
You may have a scenario where you removed a recipient from your live session but need to add them back again as you may have forgotten one piece of information.
Click on the Reactivate button next to the recipients information.
You will be asked “are you sure” you want to reactivate? Click Reactivate or Cancel.
Recipient is now reactivated and will receive a notification via email or mobile of the reactivation link.