Add and Edit Contacts

On the Left of your dashboard you will see the main navigation toolbar. Click on My Contacts to ALL view contacts.

You can add contacts 2 ways: by adding contacts to your contact list or enter email or mobile number in the TO field and it will automatically save your information to the contacts list.

1 - Click on New Contact and ADD new contact information then click Create

To EDIT, just click on the contact name, email or mobile number and an edit box will pop up. Make changes as necessary and SAVE

2- When sending a Request you can enter an email or mobile into the TO field and once you send the request, this contact will automatically be saved in your contacts list. Just remember to go back into your contacts list to edit and add a name to your contact.

You can type an email, mobile or name into the TO field and it will auto generate from your contacts list in alpha or numeric order to match your entry so you do not have to type the full address etc.

To VIEW your full contacts list just scroll down to view 50 contacts per page and then select next page

You can SEARCH for an email, mobile, name etc. by entering the info or partial info into the SEARCH field (sample below shows 119 contacts but searching for “Wendy” shows 3 results