The middle Right of your Dashboard is the PUSH side. There are 5 fields where you can enter information.
To: (Enter either the name, email or mobile phone)
Message: (this is a message to your recipient)
Select file: choose your file(s) to upload and send to recipient
Un-check/Check: 2 Step Auth to recipient to Open the file(s)
Internal Notes: (Private notes for your eyes only)
If you have names saved within your Contacts then names will show up in a drop down mean, otherwise type a mobile or email.
Tip: You can copy emails or mobile numbers from another application and paste into the TO field on the dashboard.
To Select file: choose your file(s) to upload by clicking inside the box to the left to select file(s) or drag and drop from your File Explorer or Finder.
You can upload as many files as you need, any type of file (other than an .exe executable file) and any file size up to 2GB. Then click Close
To delete any uploaded files you can click on the red trash can