There may be circumstances where you have an employee that was recently terminated, took paid time off and then never returned or suffered a tragedy and YOU need access to their requests or Botdoc account for to download files… This “change user password” feature will give the Team Admin/Owner the ability to change the password to access the users account when needed.
Click on the My Teams Tab on the Left Navigation toolbar.
You will notice under the ACTIONS icon there is a “key” icon.
Click on the KEY icon to open “change that users password”. Enter a NEW password for this user and click on Change Password to save.
Once the Admin/Owner has changed this users password, the user will no longer have access to their account.
The USER will receive an email that notifies them that their password was changed by the Team admin/owner.
“The administrator of your corporate team has changed your password to your Botdoc account. Please contact (admin email) for more information”
It will be the responsibility of the Admin/Owner to give access back to the user when and if they return, delete the user account in full or keep active.