Owners/Admins will be the only team members to make changes to the Team Queue. To find your Team Queue personal URL handle go to your “My TEAM” tab scroll down to “Queues” and see “Personal URL” (1). To make changes to the URL page click on the Profile icon (2) under Actions to make changes to your Queue Team URL.
You will need to copy and paste the “Personal URL” link (#1 above) into your email signature block. Notice that the email below gives direction to the recipient that than need to “click on the secure link below”…
This is what the recipient will see when they click on your Personal URL link:
When recipient clicks on “Send me files securely” it will open up the option for the recipient to enter an email or mobile number then click START. Entering email or mobile number will then send a request to the recipient (we call this self-service)
As the user, you can view this request in your “My Requests Pull” tab on the left navigation tool bar. Here is where you can see the default message and Internal message that is set for any recipient that uses this URL link to send themselves a request. (Change URL message to a custom message)
You can provide some additional instructions on your URL page so that the recipient can better understand the flow of how they need to send themselves a request.
Here are the instructions for email signature block in outlook: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/create-and-add-a-signature-to-messages-8ee5d4f4-68fd-464a-a1c1-0e1c80bb27f2
Here are the instructions for email signature block in other email applications: https://knowledgebase.constantcontact.com/articles/KnowledgeBase/5684-add-a-sign-up-form-link-to-your-email-signature?lang=en_US