SMTP feature will change the “sent from” or sender email from to your company’s email address
Note: All P2 requests will come from even if your SMTP is enabled on your Main Push/Pull account
Click on the My Teams Tab on the Left Navigation toolbar.
Scroll down to “Edit Your Team Email Sending Method”. Default is set at none but click on the drop down box to choose SMTP or Mailgun.
OWNERS are the only team users that have privileges to “Edit Your Team Email Sending Method”.
Selecting SMTP you will notice that 5 fields are required to activate.
SMTP Username = (make sure you have this email address created on your end)
SMTP Password = company email account password
SMTP Host =
SMTP Port = 465 (check with your IT as they will know the configuration)
SMTP SSL = (check with your IT as they will know the configuration)
SMTP: If you did NOT use SMTP, you can see the sender is
SMTP: If you DID use SMTP, you can see that the custom email is now the sender
If the Server accepts all the entered info, YOU as OWNER (because YOU are entering the info) will get an email confirmation that the server has accepted your credentials.
If you enter any incorrect information you will get an error or fail on the SMTP dashboard page.
Disable SMTP - Click on NONE in the dropdown box and click on Save Email Sending Method.
Allowlisting Botdoc domain and IP address ensures your emails avoid the spam or junk folder.
Allowlisting Botdoc email domain and IP address and adding email addresses to a safe senders list allows emails from our addresses to arrive safely into your inbox without being placed in the junk or spam folder.
If you are setting up your own SMTP you need to Allowlist your email domain and your sending email address and for that you should Allowlist a list of IP Address to originate the email.
For allowing Botdoc Emails ( please add on your Allowlist and This IP address may change in the future but we will let you know via our email newsletter.
If you are setting up SMTP please add this list of IP addresses to your Email Servers to allow Botdoc servers to originate the Emails,,,,,,,,
The IP address was included in the list in July 2024 due to a significant infrastructure update by Botdoc.
Info |
Tips: This has to be a regular email address, not a group email, it has to accept SMTP Connection to send the emails. We require SMTP authentication, so a username and IP address is required. Gmail SMTP - Click HERE for details Office 365/Microsoft SMTP - Click HERE for details Outbound IP Address: If you need a list of the outbound IP address to whitelist them on your servers, please contact us at |