Owners can view and manage multiple Teams under their own account and have privileges into all these teams as if they were the Owner or Admin of those accounts.
To ADD current Users you will need to contact your Botdoc POC and Remove Users click on the X Action button next to the users info info
(Note: Removing a User from a Team will remove them from the ORG as well if they have those permissions)
You can ADD users during the “pending invite stage” by following the these instructions here. ORG .
Admin (Can invite users and give admin permissions only)
Team Owner (Can invite and give Owner or Admin permissions)
Team Admin/ORG Admin (can invite users and give Team or ORG admin permissions
Team Owner/ORG Admin (can invite users, and give Team Admin, Team Owner or ORG Admin permissions)
Team Owner/ORG Owner (can invite users and give ALL permissions)
An ORG User can be from any team, can be a user of no Team, can be an Owner or Admin.
To VIEW the team click on VIEW and if you need to Remove a Team click on Remove. If you need to ADD a Team you will need to contact your Botdoc POC.
P1 Organization Video:
Interactive Demo - P2/Conversations Organization View:
Interact below or CLICK HEREfor a larger view.