SMTP feature will change the “sent from” or sender email from to your company’s email address
Click on the My Teams Tab on the Left Navigation toolbar.
Scroll down to “Edit Your Team Email Sending Method”. Default is set at none but click on the drop down box to choose Google (Step 1).
OWNERS are the only team users that have privileges to “Edit Your Team Email Sending Method”.
Once you have selected Google from Dropdown menu (Step 2) click on Authorize Google Account
(Step 3) Sign In (they system may skip this step if you are already signed in)
Enter Email address
Enter Email password
Verify identity via entering Google code
(Step 4) Grant (Botdoc) app permission – Click Allow (you are only giving Botdoc permission to SEND emails via this SMTP route. Botdoc cannot see any data)
(Step 5) Confirm your choices to allow Botdoc to Send emails – Click Allow
(Step 6) Success message shows on Team dashboard: “Team edited successfully and email test sent to Owners email”
(Step 7) Confirmation Email will be sent to Owners email
If the Server accepts all the entered info, YOU as OWNER (because YOU are entering the info) will get an email confirmation that the server has accepted your credentials.
Disable SMTP - Click on NONE in the dropdown box and click on Save Email Sending Method.