How to download DocuSign files by P2 Request:


First of All, you must create a P2 containing a type DocuSign, follow the link to do that: (API) Sending your first requests - P2 and send to the Receiver, when the Receiver signs the document(s) you will be able to download the signed document(s):

  1. To Know what documents you should be download coming from a P2 DocuSign Request, first you need to GET a list of Documents belonging to a determined DocuSign:

    curl -i --request GET "{docusign_id}&state=available" \
    --header "Authorization: JWT <Authorization Token>" \

  2. Based on the list in item 1, you need to GET the DocuSign using this cURL:

    curl -i --request GET "{docusign_file_id}/download/" \
    --header "Authorization: JWT <Authorization Token>" \
    --output mydocument.pdf