To find your personal URL handle go to your profile settings. Click on your name in the upper right corner and select profile. Find the field called “Personal URL”.
This is what the recipient will see when they click on your Personal URL link:
NEW LOOK - Action button
Old Look
When recipient clicks on “Send me files securely” it will open up the option for the recipient to enter an email or mobile number and a subject line then click START. Entering email or mobile number will then send a request to the recipient (we call this self-service)
You can provide some additional instructions on your URL page so that the recipient can better understand the flow of how they need to send themselves a request.
Every email provider is different but when you select “link” it will open up the below box…
So if you are using the same verbiage as I have sampled in the 2nd picture above…you will already have this typed in your signature: Send me documents securely via Botdoc HERE
You want to make sure that before you open this URL link box up, you have the word HERE highlighted
The bottom red box “address” is where you paste your URL, however, the top red box “text to display here… you want to type in the words HERE
Here are the instructions for email signature block in outlook: