*This feature removes the need for Teams to have multiple users logging into one account with the same password. This is an Enterprise feature, contact sales@botdoc.io for more details.
Click on VIEW to manage the users inside your team Queue. Owners and Admins can add users to any Queue by clicking on the “Add User” and entering the users email address. Or Owners/Admins can remove a user by clicking on the red “X”.
Note: If your Team has multiple Queues, any one user can be added to each Queue. Therefore, if Jane is a user she can be added to multiple Queues, there are no limits on how many Queues one user can have access to.
Note: Before you can disable you will see a “pop-up” message that says: This queue may contain unassigned requests. Are you sure you want to disable it? Please make sure that all requests within this Queue have been addressed.
Each Queue is counted as a User/License so for each Queue that is created, your team will count that Queue as a user. If you disable a Queue you have the ability to assign that license to another Queue or another singer user.
Sample: 7 users/licenses total = 4 users and 3 Queues
Sample when 1 Queue is disabled: 6 users/licenses total = 4 users and 2 Queues (with the ability to ENABLE that Queue at anytime. Queues can be enabled and then the Name and Username can be changed or just create a new Queue.